“Harvey is so kind, gentle and caring and concerned for each person in the class.”
T’ ai Chi and Qi Gong are ancient exercises and movements that are designed to help develop balance, strength, flexibility, and focus and also improve cardiovascular health. They are gentle, easy, yet effective movements that anyone can do, and all special needs are taken into consideration. T’ ai Chi and Qi Gong have helped reduce blood pressure, stress, tension, and the pain and stiffness of arthritis and other similar disorders. They also help increase general health and well-being.
Join our Movement Improvement T’ai Chi class In Person
WHEN: Mondays
TIME: 10:30 AM -11:30 AM
LOCATION: Fellowship Hall
Women and men of older adult ages are welcome.
To learn more about Northside’s Movement Improvement T'Ai Chi class go to https://choosewelltoday.com/movement-improvement-t-ai-chi
Contact: Harvey Meisner, Certified T'ai Chi Insturctor, Harvey@shouldersdown.com
Safe Sanctuaries
Northside United Methodist Church is a Safe Sanctuary Church.
2799 Northside Dr NW
Atlanta, GA 30305
Phone: 404.355.6475
Fax: 404.355.6478
E-mail: Info@NorthsideUMC.org
Northside United Methodist Church is a Safe Sanctuary Church. To learn more about Safe Sanctuaries, click here.